Fix for "exit status 4" when writing Primitive Gif

June 8, 2018
Tags: Go, Bugfix

This is just a quick fix for a problem I ran into while trying to use Primitive on Windows. While trying to create a gif, you might run into a message like this:

writing test.gif
2018/06/08 14:07:20 exit status 4
  1. Make sure that you have ImageMagick installed.

  2. Locate the “utils.go” file in the source for primitive. On my computer it was located at C:\Users\Me\go\src\\fogleman\primitive\primitive\utils.go

  3. Look for this section:
         args := []string{
         "-loop", "0",
         "-delay", fmt.Sprint(delay),
         filepath.Join(dir, "*.png"),
         "-delay", fmt.Sprint(lastDelay - delay),
         filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%06d.png", len(frames)-1)),
     cmd := exec.Command("convert", args...)
  4. Move "convert" to the beginning of args, and change the command name to "magick"
         args := []string{
         "-loop", "0",
         "-delay", fmt.Sprint(delay),
         filepath.Join(dir, "*.png"),
         "-delay", fmt.Sprint(lastDelay - delay),
         filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%06d.png", len(frames)-1)),
     cmd := exec.Command("magick", args...)
  5. Reinstall primitive with go install (or whatever your path is in go\src)

Basically, to create the gifs primitive tries to use the magick convert command. However, windows has a default command called convert that gets used instead. These changes should fix the problem.

Written on June 8, 2018