Last updated: August 20th, 2020

October 2020made with 1 line

loop de loop
October 2020made with two lines

a dime a dozen
August 2020Doughnuts? Bagels? Loopy churros? Regardless, the 12 ringy thingy’s pictured here are variations of the same base torus and using the same 4D noise space, with various tweaks to the noise coefficients and the points at which the space is sampled from. The noise itself is sampled from the cartesian product of two circles, which happens to work out nicely to a 4d torus. It’s doughnuts all the way down!

eight bits of memory should be enough for everyone
August 2020Two overlapping heptaracts (7D-cubes) projected onto the Coxeter plane (whatever that means) that together contain 256 possible states, i.e. 1 byte. This was actually just a test plot but I liked the look of it so much that I decided to keep it and hang it up!

dehydrated hurricane
July 2020Drawn with a single line, this one is just a spiral with some noise and a few tricks to give the appearance of one of those fancy dry hurricanes that sometimes spin through the midwest.

flower in a nest in a log in a hay bale
June 2020Four different noisy spirals each generated with different parameters to get four layers of nesting. Can also be used for target practice.

blooming onion
May 2020Onions are like onions, they have layers. This is a simple archimedes spiral plus simplex noise to perturb the radius for each of theta, giving it the wavy, oniony look.