Stuff (Data)
News Scrapers
November 23, 2019A handful of specific scraping scrapes for news and social media websites. Done mainly to collect data for word embedding models for use in the Neuroeconomics lab.
Tags: NLP, Data Collection, Open Source
  Stuff (Personal)
January 10, 2019A Pokemon Showdown! client for Python 3.4 and 3.5. This was written to make it easier to write bots, interact with users, moderate chat rooms, and collect data. Takes advantages of Py3’s async features to allow multiple connections over websockets, maintain IO channels, and to integrate with existing IRC bots.
Tags: Python, Data Collection, Web, Open Source
  Blog Post (Home)

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Fire, Water, Grass
January 1, 2019Tags: Python, Data Collection, Game
For those unfamiliar with the finer details of competitive Pokemon, it’s basically just a fancy version of rock, paper, scissors. While RPS gives each player 3 options, a turn in pokemon consists of around 4-9 possibilities for each player. Each player then reveals his or her choice simultaneously, and the results of their actions play out. This makes it different than games like Tic Tac Toe, Chess, or Go where only one player is “in control” at a time, and instead more like a game of Poker where two players are forced to reveal their hands at the same time.
  Stuff (Personal)

Berkeley Lost and Found Bot
October 20, 2017An email bot that notifies the user whenever new items have been added to the UC Berkeley Lost and Found. Up-to-date data is synced with a Firebase database, and displayed on the interative webpage. Currently being run off of OCF infrastructure. In loving memory of the pair of glasses that I lost during orientation week :’(
Tags: Python, Firebase, Data Collection, Web, Open Source